At the end of December 2022, we held the first RN27 webinar entitled Southern Europe after the Pandemic. The Social Landscape after the pandemic crisis in southern European societies.
During the webinar, we have the participation of Apostolos Papadopoulos (Harokopion University, Greece) and Ricardo Duque-Calvache (University of Granada, Spain).
After the communication and the debate session, the participants dedicated a moment to discussing the usefulness of creating open spaces for the exchange of ideas open to senior and junior researchers and doctoral and master’s students.
For the RN27 it was a pleasant experience that had numerous international participants. For this reason, the second webinar will take place next April. The topic to be addressed will be How to write a book in an International Publisher? Webinar on the Edward Elgar Southern European Societies Book Series.
More information in the coming days.