The Editorial Team of the book series on ‘Southern European Societies’ welcomes projects to develop research books on social dynamics and social effects of the pandemic crisis of COVID-19 in countries and regions of the South of Europe. The book projects may be related tentatively to some of the following issues:

  • Social behaviors related to health prevention associated to the pandemic
  • Public understanding of COVID-19 (information, data and culture about the pandemic, perceptions of risk, trust in science, trust in health policies)
  • Policy and social reactions to the pandemic crisis (political reactions, policy instruments, solidarity and measures from civic society)
  • Social impact of the pandemic crisis (work conditions, unemployment, lifestyle, life conditions, etc.).
  • Exclusion and vulnerable collectives (effects of the crisis on vulnerable migrants, women, irregular workers, unemployed people and other groups)
  • Mobility and immobility dynamics in Southern Europe.

Other social issues of special interest are also welcome. Book projects should focus preferably on comparative research from several countries and regions of Southern Europe. Comparisons with the Mediterranean area, other parts of Europe and other parts of the world are also possible.

Book proposals should use the submission form and follow the guidelines of the Editor. Each book proposal is subject to a peer review process organized independently by the Publisher. For more information, authors may contact the Series Editors.



The aim of the book series on Southern European Societies is to conduct research related to social dynamics, social problems, institutions and governance in the South of Europe. The books are intended to be authoritative projects addressing topics of common interest for several countries of Southern Europe, including comparisons with other areas of Europe and beyond. The book series is published by Edward Elgar. It is supported by the active collaboration of the Research Network on Southern European Societies of the European Sociological Association (ESA RN27) and the RESU — Network of Sociology Associations of Countries of the South of Europe.


Photo: The first model of an Olivetti typewriter (1911), at the Museo della macchina da scrivere, Milan

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